Works for Any Sport And Any AgeπŸ† πŸ€ ⚽️🎾🏐🏈⚾️πŸ₯ŽπŸ‹πŸ»‍♀️πŸ‹️‍♂️🀼‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️πŸ₯‡πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

At The School of Strength, we offer specialized training to boost your speed, strength, and explosive power, no matter what sport you play. Unlock your full athletic potential with us!


Football players must commit to rigorous training both in-season and off-season. At The School of Strength, we believe that the foundation of any football training program is strength. We tailor each athlete's strength program to maximize their power, explosiveness, speed, and jumping ability. Every month, we measure key metrics like 10, 20, and 40-yard dash times, as well as vertical and bench press, to assess progress and make adjustments to ensure continuous improvement. Our goal is to help athletes achieve their fullest potential on the field.


Becoming a better baseball player isn't just about playing more baseball—it's about getting stronger so you can throw harder, run faster, and hit further. Many think improving speed is all about technique, but at The School of Strength, we focus on building both strength and technique. Power is essential in baseball. Our programs are designed to enhance your explosiveness, strength, balance, stabilization, flexibility, core power, injury prevention, and speed, helping you excel on the field.


Basketball players need to focus on strength, conditioning, and explosiveness to excel on the court. Training during preseason, in-season, and postseason is crucial for increasing and maintaining gains. At The School of Strength, we train athletes using functional strength techniques to enhance lateral speed, agility, endurance, vertical jump, and overall conditioning, helping them reach their true potential. Our jump training program is one of the most effective you'll find, designed to take your game to the next level.


Softball players, like their baseball counterparts, require a strength program that enhances their throwing and bat speed, along with their running and hitting power. At The School of Strength, we focus on improving a softball player's acceleration, overall performance, strength, explosiveness, speed, agility, flexibility, vertical jump, and power.


Wrestling involves a high level of anaerobic power and endurance.  With frequent bursts of movements, these athletes must be explosive and strong.  We do not focus on building muscular size, but strength to allow athletes to compete in their same weight class.  SOS offers strength training, explosive training, injury prevention, flexibility, and power.


Soccer players must have speed, agility, and explosive strength. Soccer players are constantly changing their foot speed and direction.  SOS works with soccer players to increase their strength to be able to handle the constant movement changes without enduring injuries. Our programs work on acceleration, agility, flexibility, interval training, verticals, endurance, strength, and stamina.