Young men

 Brian Jansen
I still remember the days when I was coming to the high school to workout for football as an 8th grader. That is when I first had the pleasure of getting to know Coach Mills. I was weak, uncoordinated, and overall a puny kid with some leftover baby fat. Over the past 4.5 years, I have gone from 170 lbs. to just over 200 with the help of this lifting genius. I went from Napoleon Dynamite to Brock Lesnar-esque in his prime. Rags to riches if you ask me and all thanks to this man running the program otherwise known as The School of Strength. Not only does he metamorphize these kids into beasts in order to take on the grueling competition in the MIC (which he succeeds at), he gets to know each and every one and requires the best out of us at all times, not only in the weight room but the classroom too. I could not be half the man/athlete I am today without his expertise.